Sustainability Victoria – support for businesses to reduce waste, energy and bills

Sustainability Victoria can support businesses to become sustainable or even just to explore what it takes to reduce energy and materials use, invest in solar or otherwise save money and address climate change. Please forward the following information to any business which you think may benefit.

Energy Assessment Grants up to $5,000 toward a basic assessment and implementation project and $20,000 toward a detailed assessment. Available for businesses spending over $20,000 a year on energy, to commission an energy assessment which will identify and implement energy improvements.

Materials Efficiency Grants up to $10,000 ($1:$1 funding). An extra $3,000 available to fund material efficiency implementation. Available to businesses looking for solutions to their waste problems, which will result in more efficient use of materials and less waste sent to landfill.

Gas Efficiency Grants up to $50,000 ($1:$1 funding) to a variety of gas efficiency projects. Opened 11 October 2017 to improve efficiency for gas-related projects including capital equipment upgrades, non-routine maintenance and repairs, fuel switching and improving metering.

Better Commercial Buildings up to $30,000 ($1:$1 funding) to fund assessment and upgrade works to improve the performance of commercial buildings. Available to offices, hotels, retail and data centres, and some mixed-use buildings. A panel of approved providers can use the grant funding to undertake energy assessments, implement projects and verify savings.

FREE – Sustainable Finance Service  offers independent free facilitation to businesses seeking to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Includes financing models such as Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUAs) and how they can best be applied to the business’s project.

FREE – TAKE 2 pledge (climate change pledge) This is an opportunity for businesses and individuals to join Victoria’s collective climate change pledge to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and keep the global temperature rise to under 2oC. Pledges are published on the TAKE 2 website and include a list of actions which the business or employees commit to undertake.     


Photo by Martine Savard from Pexels

Published by the Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action