Climate Resilient Service Delivery


The Climate Resilient Service Delivery (CRSD) project was an online workshop program piloted by WAGA in 2020 and 2021, allowing council officers to consider adaptation for local government services under increasingly severe climatic conditions. The program was delivered by WAGA in collaboration with RMIT University’s Climate Change Exchange, and with funding from the Victorian Government’s Supporting Our Regions to Adapt program, with the aims of helping council officers to develop climate change adaptation options and trialling scenario-planning as a tool to do so. 


The CRSD workshops were undertaken with  Maribyrnong, Melton, Wyndham, Greater Dandenong and Moreland Councils. The program was conducted through an online scenario-planning process over several workshops, focusing on the delivery of key government services. The scenario chosen for the pilot program was an extreme heat wave, and the two focus government services, considered in separate workshops, were the provision of maternal and child health services and the use of council parks. 


Each workshop was designed by experts in consultation with councils. Each interactive session was attended by 7 – 15 participants, including council officers from sustainability and either maternal and child health services or parks teams, depending on the focus on those workshops. The participants developed numerous recommendations for climate resilience in their services areas and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans as we as a case study for inclusion in the Port Phillip Regional Adaptation Strategy.. 


WAGA is grateful for the participation of the collaborators and partners who helped to bring the CRSD pilot program to fruition, and for their work in promoting climate change adaptation in Melbourne. 

Online exercise to identify forces affecting delivery of maternal and child health services in a heat wave
For further information about the program, please contact WAGA via the ‘Contact Us’ page above.