WAGA has a useful role in advocating for supportive state and national climate-related policy and advising relevant government agencies in this regard on behalf of its members. Advocacy in relation to the WAGA councils’ shared or aligned goals contributes a joint and therefore stronger voice from the region and is an efficient way for the councils to communicate their requirements to other levels of government.

WAGA’s advocacy focuses on:

  • Climate policy directly (emissions reduction and adaptation targets and policies)
  • Renewable energy (targets, support mechanisms, relevant infrastructure and technologies such as electric vehicles)
  • Climate-related issues which involve local government’s core business (for example, land use planning)
  • Support for local government to take appropriate action (for example, funding for energy efficient infrastructure such as major road lights).

The Victorian Greenhouse Alliances (VGAs) collaborate on advocacy when there is consensus amongst VGA members and a combined voice from the Alliances would be useful to show broad alignment across Victorian councils. WAGA also supports advocacy by other alliances where our objectives are the same, particularly The Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment (CASBE) and the One Million Homes Alliance.

 Recent advocacy by the VGA to which WAGA has contributed can be found here: