The WAGA municipalities encompass an area of over 4,700 square kilometres to Melbourne’s west, with a regional population of about 838,500.

Extensive transformation is underway in the region, with rapid population growth occurring – in the inner developed areas as well as the peri-urban fringe. It is the most culturally and linguistically diverse region in Victoria, with 130 nationalities represented. The area has a low socio-economic demographic with higher than average ill health and unemployment, but there is increasing gentrification of areas of the west, as well as increasing awareness and concern among residents about the effects of climate change.

Industry is also transitioning with an observed decrease in the local manufacturing sector. The region remains an industrial hub, however, for Victoria and indeed Australia in manufacturing, transport, postal and warehouse industries, with manufacturing being the west’s largest employer. Each municipality also contains significant retail pockets, the largest being in Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley.

Although the region is particularly vulnerable in areas to the impacts of climate change, there are opportunities to capitalise on the transitions that are occurring and ensure the future sustainability of the region. Each WAGA council is responding to climate change issues within its municipality, but the transitions also present challenges and opportunities for action at a regional scale. WAGA members believe that strong collaboration between stakeholders is necessary to ensure that the region’s communities and businesses thrive in a future global low carbon economy.

Information about the region’s current transitions and particular challenges and opportunities relevant to climate change can be found in the following documents:

Low Carbon West – Overarching strategy (1130 downloads)
Low Carbon West – Business and Industry – Sector Report (767 downloads)
Low Carbon West – Communities Sector Report (823 downloads)
Low Carbon West – Transporting People and Freight – Sector Report (737 downloads)
Low Carbon West – Urban Growth and Development – Sector Report (722 downloads)