WAGA is led by its Executive Committee, comprising a senior staff member from each council, from whom a Chairperson is elected. The committee meets regularly to approve and lead WAGA’s strategic directions, major projects and budget, ensure appropriate governance is maintained and facilitate political support
The Operational Committee, comprising staff from member councils’ Environment and Sustainability departments, is responsible for developing and implementing projects and activities that align with the strategic direction approved by the Executive Committee. One of the Operational Committee’s most important roles is information-sharing and capacity-building for staff around their corporate climate change programs.
Working groups, reporting to the Operational Committee and accountable to the Executive Committee, are also established to implement WAGA’s projects and activities. For collaborative projects, these groups include representatives from project partners; they also often include staff from other relevant council departments.
The Coordinator administers WAGA’s day-to-day operations, facilitating its organisational and committee functions and knowledge-sharing within WAGA, and managing projects, advocacy and stakeholder engagement.
A host council is appointed to provide facilities, support and day-to-day direction for the Coordinator and the Project Officer. The current host council is Brimbank City Council, which has been appointed until July 2022.
WAGA’s Strategic Plan complements and supports the WAGA councils’ municipal work. The plan can be obtained by contacting WAGA directly.