About Us

The Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action (WAGA) was established in 2006 to bring together interested councils and other organisations committed to a collaborative response to climate change across the region. At present, its members are the seven WAGA councils. Associate members in the past have included Victoria University and the Western Region Environment Centre.

WAGA’s Vision

The western region of Melbourne is prospering in a changing climate and is a desirable region to live in with sustainable communities.

WAGA’s Mission

WAGA will lead and support collaborative action to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and increase the resilience and adaptive capacity of its communities through partnerships between local communities, government, industry and research bodies in order to create liveable communities now and for the future.

WAGA’s Strategic Directions

WAGA’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025 sets out its strategic directions. They are:

Cyclists, Altona Beach

Low Carbon West

 Accelerate a transition to zero emissions

Climate Change

Plan for long term, transformational adaptation and manage climate change risks

Supportive Policy

Advocate to facilitate greenhouse gas emissions reductions and climate change adaptation, in line with climate science and community values


Maintain the value of the Alliance for its member councils