There are clear messages for Local Government in the findings of Sustainability Victoria’s Climate Change Social Research, released yesterday.
‘Nine out of ten (88%) Victorians believe that Local Government should be acting on climate change’, with 55% thinking that Councils should contribute and 33% thinking they should lead. And ‘seven in ten agree that they would feel positive about being part of a community that is working together to tackle climate change.’
The research also shows that, while most people recognise and are concerned about the increasing impacts of climate change – bushfires, storms and floods, coastal erosion, heatwaves and so on – they take a positive view and want to participate in actions themselves. There is high support for renewable energy – 75% of Victorians are interested in purchasing 100% green power for their home, are interested in generating their own power and would support wind turbines in their local area.
These findings provide strong justification for local climate and energy action – and for considering community concerns about climate change when planning local services generally. They also provide impetus for partnerships between the Victorian Government and Local Government to make sure that Victorians’ aspirations for resilient and sustainable communities are realised across the state.