Staff training program for climate resilience developed by Geelong

The City of Greater Geelong, in conjunction with Loop & Co consultants, has developed the first comprehensive local government staff training program for climate resilience. The training is designed to increase staff awareness of the Council’s climate risks, including sea level rise and drought, and ways Council can plan for and respond to the risks. The program is funded in partnership with the Victorian Government.

A website training package has been designed to support a workshop facilitated by Loop & Co. Workshop attendees include the Council’s Engineering,  Environment, Planning, Strategy and Urban Growth Departments, coastal land management agencies including committees of management and the Department of Environment (DELWP), and other Barwon South West Councils.

Please check out the video, which includes Geelong case studies, and do the short quiz to test your knowledge (go to the weblink below and scroll down page).

For further information please contact Burke Renouf, Sustainability Coordinator, City of Greater Geelong, on 03 5272 4877.