A business case can be made for reducing energy or materials use, including a switch to renewable power. Through the Smarter Resources Smarter Business program, Sustainability Victoria discovered that, for Victorian businesses, the average payback period for energy efficiency is 3.3 years and the average annual saving is $56,000. For materials efficiency, the savings are even better and so is the average payback – 1.4 years.
But… a good business case is not always enough. Businesses need information from people who understand their drivers and challenges; that is, other businesses. Peer-to-peer learning is also useful to understand the opportunities, solutions to barriers and the mechanics of how to undertake efficiency upgrades. That is why case studies are helpful.
As part of Low Carbon West, our regional plan for transition to a low carbon economy, WAGA is developing case studies of local businesses already leading the way to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions.
In the meantime, Sustainability Victoria and Future Proofing Geelong have developed useful case study lists that include businesses in the western Melbourne region:
Sustainability Victoria’s Energy and Materials Efficiency case studies. This list describes a wide range of businesses across Victoria that have undertaken cost-effective upgrades. SV’s website also includes ‘Top tips’ for energy and materials efficiency, based on their extensive research. The case studies include a number of businesses in our region and are delineated by sector: Agriculture, Beverages and alcohol, Food processing and storage, Hospitality and services, Plastics and chemicals, and Retail.
Future Proofing Geelong’s business and industry case studies. This list not only provides practical information but showcases the Geelong region’s leading role in cleantech innovation.
If you know any efficient businesses in the west that you’d like to tell WAGA about, please get in touch!
(Posted by the Western Alliance for Greenhouse Alliance)