Low Carbon West: Implementation Plans in 2015

WAGA and LeadWest have decided to undertake the following priorities in 2015 to commence implementing Low Carbon West, the plan for transition to a low carbon economy in the region:
– A program to reduce business premises emissions, particularly working on how best to engage with and assist small and medium-sized enterprises
– Information-sharing about the potential for utility-scale renewable energy plants in the region
– Consideration of a best-practice pilot program to reduce residential buildings emissions
– Advocacy to the Victorian Government to reduce transport emissions across the state by developing the Western Interstate Freight Terminal (WIFT).

In developing these actions, WAGA aims to work closely with its stakeholders in industry, the community, government and the university sector. Please get in touch if you would like further information now. And stay tuned for further updates soon.

(Posted by the Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action)