Wyndham City will be running its annual Green Living Series again in February and March 2015. After the success of last year, the program has now expanded to over 20 events! There are a great variety of sustainability workshops, environmental tours and other green living events. The activities are fun and engaging, with something for everyone. Come along to learn just how easy it is to be green!
Some of the events include an Up-cycling workshop that shows you how to refashion your old jeans into handmade items, an Edible Weeds Walk, a Nest box Making and Backyard Biodiversity workshop, a Green Cleaning workshop, a De-cluttering workshop to simplify your life and a tour of Mount Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre. There is such a variety to choose from there is sure to be one for you!
To see all that is on offer and to book your place, please head to the Wyndham City website http://www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/greenlivingseries or call the Environment & Sustainability department on 9742 0777. All events are expected to be very popular and places are limited so best to sign up quickly to avoid missing out!
(Post published by the Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action)