Linfox’s Greenfox program is an initiative showcased in Low Carbon West as an example of a business tackling freight emissions.
Linfox is the largest privately owned supply chain solutions company in the Asia Pacific region. The company employs around 15,000 people, owns 1.8 million square metres of warehousing and operates nearly 5,000 vehicles across 11 countries. The business is headquartered in Moonee Valley in Melbourne’s west. Linfox has committed to improving carbon efficiency and reducing waste across its logistics operations. It has already reduced its rate of carbon emissions by 45% across all its operations since 2007 and is positioned to achieve its 50% by 2015 reduction target. Linfox’s emissions come mainly from diesel, with this constituting 80% of its emissions, followed by electricity at 13%. To reduce emissions the company has a dedicated sustainability program called GreenFox, which includes the following initiatives:
- Eco-Driving training and practices
- Aerodynamic vehicle design
- Electricity savings
- Creating a green workplace culture through behaviour change.
Under the Greenfox environmental program, the company is seeking to optimise use of vehicles and encourage economical driving habits, which is expected to result in a cost-saving of around 5%. The company is also considering more innovative energy-saving measures such as the use of airbags between trailers. The aerodynamics of trucks is improved by closing the gap between the cabin and trailers, and between trailers. Continuous airflow improves the aerodynamics and reduces fuel use.
(Post published by the Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action)